
Beginning at Moses: A Guide to Finding Christ in the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

Although not on every line and perhaps not on every page, the message of Christ overshadows the entire Old Testament. Finding Christ is the key that unlocks and locks in the message of the whole Word of God. Jesus Christ is God’s final, perfect, incomparable Word. Beginning at Moses seeks to follow the example of Christ Himself Who, “beginning at Moses and all the prophets,” expounded from all...

of God’s gracious covenant promises, He establishes foundational truths concerning the eternal Son of God’s becoming man. It only gets better. The years following the flood demonstrated again the tragic consequences and universal extent of sin. The same depravity and bent to sin that characterized pre-flood humanity characterized post-flood humanity (Genesis 8:21). Humanity multiplied in keeping with God’s promise and plan, but as it multiplied, so did its open and united
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